My Priorities for Redlands

Making Our
Community Safer
The youth crime crisis is hurting our community, with rampant car thefts, break-ins, and assaults. People no longer feel secure in their homes or neighbourhoods. Labor just aren’t serious on crime.
The LNP will re-establish the stability and safety Queensland communities deserve, instead of the chaos and turmoil we’ve experienced under Labor. Our proposed solutions include:
- Introducing consequences for actions and putting the rights of victims ahead of offenders.
- Unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort from the Youth Justice Act.
- Gold standard early intervention and rehabilitation programs to turn kids’ lives around before it’s too late.
Easier Access to
Health Services
Labor has lost control of our health system. Queenslanders now face extreme emergency department wait times and ambulance ramping rates. Despite Labor’s promises, the essential Redland Hospital upgrades due by 2022 remain incomplete.
The LNP will revitalise Queensland’s health system so it can meet the needs of Queenslanders by:
- Putting doctors and nurses back in charge.
- Streamlining triage when patients arrive at the emergency department.
- Sharing real-time data on hospital performance to drive improvements.
- Providing more beds and resources.

Saving You
Paying for Labor's Failures
Every day I hear from more Redlands locals who are feeling cost-of-living pain. Groceries, rent, mortgage repayments, fuel, insurance - crucial bills just keep going up.
Queenslanders know how to manage their own budgets. However, nine years in, clearly the Palaszczuk/Miles Labor Government has no idea how to manage its own budget.
The LNP will put a stop to skyrocketing State Government bills. We’ll deliver:
- Reliable, affordable and sustainable power.
- Affordable car rego and licences.
- Housing supply solutions to help bring down rent costs.
- An end to budget blowouts so you don’t have to pay for Labor’s failures.
With Rebecca’s energy, enthusiasm, and deep local ties, I know she’ll be a powerfully effective advocate for Redlands.
David Crisafulli
Leader of the Liberal National Party
Securing our
Housing Foundations
Rental vacancy rates in the Redlands are near record lows, and Labor’s lack of foresight and planning has made an already tight market even worse. Time after time we’ve seen the Government’s housing promises fall by the wayside. There is no urgency or follow through.
The LNP will increase housing availability and affordability by:
- Working with local councils to release more residential lots.
- Unlocking Queensland’s Community Housing sector.
- Delivering social housing on-time and on-budget.
- Focusing the Queensland Housing Investment Fund on new social housing construction.

Working Harder
for Queenslanders
People are tired of this Palaszczuk/Miles Government not listening. The LNP is committed to putting the focus back on the needs of Queenslanders. We’ll restore accountable government and empower an independent public service to achieve the outcomes that matter to you, including:
- A government that’s efficient and easy to deal with
- An education system that delivers results for everyone
- A better environment for our children