About the LNP
The LNP is the Party for all Queenslanders
The genesis of the LNP lies deep in Queensland’s political history. For nearly 50 years there was a strong desire amongst the two conservative political movements to unite into a single entity. This goal was achieved on the 26th of July 2008 with the formation of the LNP.
On that historic day, the members of the Queensland divisions of the Liberal Party and the National Party voted to form a single united conservative party – a new force that would provide the people of Queensland with an opportunity to rebuild trust in the governance of our state and nation.
The following day over 1000 Party members converged on the Brisbane Sofitel Hotel to celebrate the formation of the LNP. There was a sense of joy, but mostly hope, as the inaugural President, Mr Bruce McIver, outlined his vision for the new Party.
“Today marks the beginning of hope for the people of Queensland. It is the birth of a new era of sensible pragmatic politics … of politics that will deliver to the people of Queensland what they so desperately deserve … good, strong, effective opposition; a credible alternative to the current government; and a team with a vision.”
Proof that the LNP’s model was indeed the catalyst needed to restore Queenslanders’ faith in the conservative side of politics at all levels of government was not long coming.
Contesting its first State election just eight months after the formation of the Party, and after having established more than 400 Party Units and selecting 89 candidates, the LNP went on to achieve its greatest electoral result for 14 years, increasing its parliamentary representation by 50 percent.
A year later the LNP faced its first Federal contest winning 21 out of the 30 seats in Queensland and achieving a swing that was double the national average of the Coalition parties.
This was followed by victory at the 2012 State election when the LNP was swept to power in a massive landslide, dominating the 89 seat Parliament with 78 elected LNP members.
Also, in 2012, the LNP conducted its first Brisbane City Council campaign, winning an increased majority and securing office for another four years.
These results laid the foundations for the new, confident and dynamic Party to achieve greater electoral successes at future local, state and federal levels.

Signing the principle agreement to formally start the merger process between the Liberal and National Parties – then President of the Nationals – Queensland, Mr Bruce McIver (right) and President of the Liberal Party – Queensland Division, Mr Gary Spence (left). Both gentlemen subsequently were elected as the inaugural President and Vice President respectively of the LNP.