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Meet Adam
A Message From Adam
I'm Adam Baillie, your LNP candidate for Townsville.
As a local small business owner, and proud father of three school aged children, I understand the challenges faced by many Townsville residents. Our family moved to Townsville looking for a better lifestyle and opportunities to get ahead in a region where hard work still paid off.
I have earned a degree in mechanical engineering, and gained trade qualifications as an electrician and refrigeration mechanic. For the last 10 years, I’ve worked hard to build up a family-owned business in Townsville and serve hundreds of local customers.
Over the last few years, like everyone else in Townsville, we’ve noticed things are getting harder. The cost of living and the cost of doing business is becoming more of a challenge.
Then of course, there is the problem of crime – particularly youth crime – in Townsville, which everyone agrees is out of control. I am deeply concerned for my family and our community and frustrated at the lack of consequences faced by young offenders. Townsville deserves so much better. That’s what motivated me to get involved and nominate as your LNP candidate for Townsville.