AngieBell MP
Federal Member for Moncrieff
Your Strong Voice for Moncrieff

Angie Bell, your Federal Member for Moncrieff
Angie began her working life in retail sales and her journey took her to Griffith University Gold Coast Business School as a mature aged student. Before politics she worked in every Australian state and territory as a workplace trainer and assessor and retail consultant for leading brands. Ms Bell was a small business development specialist and is the author of a marketing book that has helped many businesses reinvent their business models. The book remains part of the curriculum at Griffith University and the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Denmark.
Ms Bell was a leading figure on the Gold Coast in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and shaped its economic recovery. She championed COVIDSafe measures, worked with community leaders to form a community cabinet and convened the City Heart Taskforce (CHT)- the Gold Coast’s only cross industry think-tank to unite local peak bodies across 11 key industry sectors.