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LNP for Barron River
The Right Priorities for Barron River
Hi, I'm Bree James, your LNP candidate for Barron River.
I came to Cairns over 20 years ago and this city stole my heart and has been my home ever since.
But the place I fell in love with, married my husband and raised my family has been through some incredibly tough times, and is facing a crisis. We have a community in disarray.
The residents of the Barron have been consistently let down with broken promises and funding shortfalls that have made us the crime addled, infrastructure starved, industry crippled back waters of Australia.
I believe I have the skills, values and and mindset the Barron River electorate needs to be better represented in the Queensland Parliament. We need action, not just words.
Bree James
LNP for Barron River