Thank you for signing our petition.

Wetting a line and reeling in a fish for the first time is a memory few people forget.
It's a quintessentially Queensland pastime that brings people together. Unfortunately, that outdoor coastal lifestyle is under threat from Brittany Lauga and Labor.
Brittany Lauga and the Labor Government want to make it harder to undertake recreational fishing and crabbing in Central Queensland by introducing tougher bag limits, increasing minimum size catches, and banning fishing in certain seasons. This will not only devastate families who love getting out on the water, but will also have a severe impact on the local tourism sector.
Labor is basing its decisions on Greens ideology rather than scientific evidence.
As the LNP's candidate for Keppel, and a long term local, I understand the importance of recreational fishing to Central Queensland. Our fishers are the greatest custodians of our waterways because they want to ensure fishing stock levels remain sustainable for future generations to enjoy.
Sign my petition to call on Brittany Lauga and the Labor Government to reconsider their proposed changes and ensure decisions are backed by independent and transparent science and stock assessments.
The petition urges the Labor Minister to meet CQ fishing enthusiasts face-to-face.
It's time Labor based their Queensland fisheries policy decisions and rulings on real science and reliable data, not fictional greens ideology.