Thank you for signing our petition to Fix Caloundra Road
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Whether you’re doing the daily school run, making the commute to work, the shops or simply heading to the beach, getting around Caloundra is getting harder every day.
Major intersections and round-abouts are constantly choked up, peak holiday periods and weekends are becoming busier and infrastructure investment has not kept pace with population growth.
After a decade of delays the Palaszczuk/Miles Labor Government have failed to deliver any real solutions to relieve traffic congestion along Caloundra Road.
Caloundra is expected to grow faster than the rest of the Sunshine Coast. Despite this Labor has cut funding for the critical alternative entry into the Caloundra CBD from Nicklin Way.
That’s why the LNP has launched this petition, to demonstrate relieving traffic congestion in Caloundra is a priority for our community.
Sign our petition today and together let's stop Caloundra getting short-changed by Labor.