Meet Janelle
A Message From Janelle
Hi, I'm Janelle Poole and I'm your State Member for Mundingburra.
I was born in Townsville, raised in the suburb of Cranbrook and was educated at Aitkenvale State Primary School and Heatley State High School.
I joined the Queensland Police Service in 1996. For my service I was awarded the prestigious Australian Police Medal by the Governor General in 2015. The Award was given in recognition of a distinguished contribution to policing and to the community.
Working as a school-based police officer with the Child Protection Investigation Unit and my now daily involvement with the community through my Crime Prevention Coordinator position, I have built deep connections to the local community. Through these rewarding roles I have gained the knowledge and understanding of what the government needs to do to keep our community safe and to help young offenders.
I have been very active in my charity work and involvement in local sports. I am a longtime member of my local hockey club, I have represented Queensland at the Australian Masters Hockey Championships on a number of occasions, I have held various Club committee and Board positions, and coached junior hockey teams at Club and Townsville levels for many years.
I am heavily involved with the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, proudly representing as a Foundation Ambassador and I was bestowed the Foundations’ esteemed “Morky” award for my continued work in “Keeping Kids Safe”.
I am a founding Member of the Rotary Club of Townsville Saints, proudly holding the position of Charter President in 2013, and received the prestigious Rotary International “Paul Harris Fellowship” Award in 2020.
I have assisted with Judging the Lions Youth of the Year competition for over 7 years, and have held board positions on the Upper Ross PCYC and school P & C committees. I am a wife and mother of 3, and continue to work in the heart of the Mundingburra electorate for the betterment of the Community.