Meet Janelle
A Message From Janelle
Hi, I'm Janelle Poole and I'm your State Member for Mundingburra.
I was born in Townsville, raised in the suburb of Cranbrook and was educated at Aitkenvale State Primary School and Heatley State High School.
I joined the Queensland Police Service in 1996. For my service I was awarded the prestigious Australian Police Medal by the Governor General in 2015. The Award was given in recognition of a distinguished contribution to policing and to the community.
Working as a school-based police officer with the Child Protection Investigation Unit and my now daily involvement with the community through my Crime Prevention Coordinator position, I have built deep connections to the local community. Through these rewarding roles I have gained the knowledge and understanding of what the government needs to do to keep our community safe and to help young offenders.
I have been very active in my charity work and involvement in local sports. I am a longtime member of my local hockey club, I have represented Queensland at the Australian Masters Hockey Championships on a number of occasions, I have held various Club committee and Board positions, and coached junior hockey teams at Club and Townsville levels for many years.
I am heavily involved with the Daniel Morcombe Foundation, proudly representing as a Foundation Ambassador and I was bestowed the Foundations’ esteemed “Morky” award for my continued work in “Keeping Kids Safe”.
I am a founding Member of the Rotary Club of Townsville Saints, proudly holding the position of Charter President in 2013, and received the prestigious Rotary International “Paul Harris Fellowship” Award in 2020.
I have assisted with Judging the Lions Youth of the Year competition for over 7 years, and have held board positions on the Upper Ross PCYC and school P & C committees. I am a wife and mother of 3, and continue to work in the heart of the Mundingburra electorate for the betterment of the Community.
Queenslanders see a youth crime disaster, a collapsing health system, a lack of affordable housing options and a government that has given up honestly working for them to instead focus on itself. For too long we’ve seen the long lines of ambulances ramped at hospitals, waiting hours to get into the Emergency Department and a Queensland’s social housing waitlist that has exploded under the Labor Government. And all the time the cost of living is killing us.
But it doesn’t have to be like this. We can do so much better and that’s why I am standing for Parliament.