Thank you for showing your support in keeping Australia Day where it is!

Are You One Of The Millions of Australians who still want to celebrate Australia Day on January 26th?
You’re not alone, but there are still some out there who want to ditch our national day.
This includes the same large corporations who supported the Voice proposal are now pushing to get rid of our national day.
The Prime Minister spent almost $450 million on the referendum while many Australians realised they were not alone in thinking “this was a bad idea” amongst their peers.
Anthony Albanese’s hand-picked high commissioner to the UK, Stephen Smith, has closed the doors of Australia House to organisers of an annual Australia Day fundraiser, citing sensitivities around celebrating the national day.
The people of Australia should be free to support a day that celebrates the country we all love and share together.
You can support the Australia Day Bill 2023 and call on Members of Parliament to support the importance of our national day.
Please take a moment to share why Australia Day is important to you!