Meet Mark
A Message From Mark
Hi, I'm Mark Boothman, your State Member for Theodore.
I’m a proud born and bred local to Southeast Queenslander, married with three children who are schooled locally. I’m passionate about serving our community, whether it be as a member of service organisations like Lions or Rotary, donating my time to help local community groups with fundraising, participating in the monthly tree plantings or pitching in with teams of volunteers during disasters like the Christmas Day Storm clean-up. I have always had a passion about our community, and this is the reason I ran for politics.
As a former independent mortgage broker, I know how hard it is for families to save for a deposit on the family home, especially when rent and the cost of living continue to increase to unaffordable levels. With many locals paying $950 or more a week in rent for an average house, you know the system can’t continue down this path. We need to secure our housing foundations by releasing land for housing, fast tracking approvals, safeguarding building materials and helping new homeowners into the market with shared equity. These are long term solutions to a situation that Labor’s poor management has created.
We regularly see the impact of crime on our nightly news, a direct result of Labor weaking laws in 2015. Victims never ask to be victims, yet they will continue to suffer until repeat offenders are held accountable. The revolving door of a youth justice system must end. If you commit Adult Crime, you should do Adult Time. Ensuring public safety via prevention through early intervention and stronger laws is paramount.
Our local infrastructure and services continue to be pushed to breaking point as we see record numbers of vehicles using our roads, ambulances ramped at our hospitals, residents stuck on hospital waiting lists far longer than they should be and insufficient Police numbers to deal with the explosion in population.
The LNP has the right priorities for our region and I will continue to work hard for our area.