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LNP for Mansfield
Your Strong Voice for Mansfield
I'm Pinky Singh, your LNP candidate for Mansfield
I migrated to Australia from India in 1998 at the age of 20 and have called Brisbane’s Southside my home ever since. With my husband, we have built our life and raised our three children here, in the best country in the world. We built a life here and I was fortunate to support our family through several small business ventures.
While building my career and raising children, I never lost sight of the bigger picture and my place in our community. I believe that I am so blessed to have come to this country and I feel obliged to also give back something to the communities that have made so much possible for me. For this reason, I chose to devote significant time to several community organisations, which in 2022, led me to be awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for my contributions to the community.
I migrated to Australia from India in 1998 at the age of 20 and have called Brisbane’s Southside my home ever since. With my husband, we have built our life and raised our three children here, in the best country in the world.
Pinky Singh
LNP for Mansfield