Meet Tim
A Message From Tim
Hon Tim Mander, Minister for Sport and Racing and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
I have served as the State Member of Parliament for the seat of Everton since 2012 and served in the role of Shadow Minister for Housing and Public Works, Shadow Minister for Sports and Racing and Shadow Minister for Olympic and Paralympic Sport and Regional Engagement.
A born and bred Brisbane boy, I attended Grovely State School and Mitchelton State High School. Having played junior football for the West Arana Hills Rugby League Football Club, I'm passionate about living and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
After a 20-year career as a leading NRL referee, I was passionate about respect for being fair, even-handed and making accurate decisions under incredible pressure. My political objectives aim to echo my refereeing career – to win respect, not necessarily popularity.
I have been honoured to perform the following parliamentary roles:
Shadow Minister for Housing and Public Works
Shadow Minister for Sports and Racing
Shadow Minister for Olympic and Paralympic Sport and Regional Development
Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Treasurer
Shadow Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Shadow Minister for Corrective Services
Shadow Minister for Education and Training
Minister for Housing and Public Works
Assistant Minister for Sports and Racing