Working Harder for Queensland
A government that works for you with the Working Harder for Queenslanders Plan
The LNP has the Right Plan to restore a government that works for you.
The Working Harder for Queenslanders Plan puts the focus back on delivering the programs, services and communities for our state. Under Labor, government has become more about how things look, than how things are. Education standards are slipping, major roads are increasingly grinding to a traffic standstill, and services are being stripped out of regional areas while this government attempts to hide the truth.
Queenslanders should have a government that delivers the programs and services we need and is focused on our State’s future, not their own political future.
Queensland needs a fresh start. Our plan will restore a government that works for you, by bringing back accountability and transparency in government.
The LNP will build better communities, educate our children, serve Queenslanders, grow our natural environment and agricultural industries, and govern with integrity. That’s our commitment to Queenslanders.
The LNP's Working Harder for Queenslanders Plan will:
✓ Build
✓ Educate
✓ Serve
✓ Grow
✓ Govern
Time's Up for Labor’s failures:
✗ 1,100 days of Olympics chaos.
✗ 40% of students failing maths and literacy national standards.
✗ 9,422 teachers left schools
✗ 36% of small businesses failing.
✗ 27% recycling rate – the lowest in Australia and going backwards.
The LNP will restore a government that works for you, by ending the culture of silence and cover-ups and bringing back accountability and transparency in government.
David Crisafulli MP
Leader of the LNP
Yvette and Max’s Story
These days, Yvette makes her son Max’s lunch the night before school because they need to leave extra early to beat the traffic.
What was a 15-minute trip now can take up to 50 minutes due to traffic congestion. It means Max’s quality time with his mum is now in the rearview mirror.
A decade of Labor’s failures to build the roads for our growing population is costing Queenslanders like Max and Yvette precious time.
That’s why the LNP’s plan will get Queensland moving again, investing in our future and ending Labor’s expensive project blowouts and delays.
Because government should work for you, with accountability and transparency.

To build the infrastructure needed for the future of our regions and deliver a world-class Olympics and Paralympics, the LNP’s plan includes a 100 day review, traffic congestion busting projects and more water security.
100 days to fix Labor’s mess
Deliver a plan for the Olympics and Paralympics:
- We will deliver a lasting legacy for our State by appointing an Independent Olympics Coordination Authority to conduct a 100 day review and map out what infrastructure and transport is needed for Queensland and the Games.
- We will ensure these Games are a world-class event, not an embarrassment for Queensland on the world stage.
Better roads
Getting Queenslanders home sooner and safer:
- We will get our busy roads flowing again by upgrading critical traffic chokepoints.
- We will boost safety and reduce transport costs by upgrading regional roads.
- We will deliver existing and new projects on time and on budget.
A safer Bruce Highway
For now and the future:
- We will provide a long-term upgrade plan to bring the Bruce Highway up to safety standards by reinstating a Bruce Highway Trust.
- We will hold the Federal Government accountable to the long-standing 80/20 funding contribution for our national highway.
More water security
For all Queenslanders:
- We will deliver a water security plan for all Queenslanders by building dams and weirs.
- We will increase storage capacity and support agricultural irrigation and town water by raising five weirs along the Thomson River with a $7m investment.
- We will secure water for the Wide Bay Burnett Region’s farms by rebuilding Paradise Dam.
New tourism experiences
Supporting jobs across our State:
- We will assess eco-tourism applications faster by creating a dedicated Cabinet Sub-Committee.
- We will showcase our State’s natural assets and support local jobs by driving the development of more tourism experiences.
Labor's record
✗ More than 1,100 days
of Olympics chaos.
✗ Tearing down a dam and failing to build new ones.
✗ Queenslanders sitting in traffic longer than ever before
✗ Budget blowouts resulting in less road upgrades for more money.
To educate young Queenslanders and prepare them for the future, the LNP’s plan boosts our skills training facilities and puts more teachers in our schools.
Back to basics
To meet the national standards we’re lagging behind on and unleash kids’ full potential:
- We will ensure kids are being taught the basics they need for the future by refocusing the curriculum on maths and English.
- We will free up teachers to spend more time in the classroom and less time on red tape.
More teachers
Giving students the attention they need:
- We will boost student-to-teacher ratios by putting more teachers in classrooms.
- We will secure the teachers needed for our future by delivering a teacher workforce strategy.
Safe classrooms
By cracking-down on bad behaviour:
- We will introduce a zero-tolerance policy for violence, vapes and drugs in our schools.
- We will support teachers in the classroom by offering opportunities to upskill with mentoring and professional development.
- We will boost support for students by investing in more school chaplains.
More tradies on tools
With expanded trades training:
- We will secure a pipeline of skilled workers for the future by delivering new TAFE Excellence Precincts and boost training.
- We will expand the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy to 50 additional schools.
Labor's record
✗ 40% of students
failing maths and literacy national standards.
✗ Statewide teacher shortage with 9,422 teachers leaving Queensland schools in four years.
✗ School attendance rates have dropped to 87.1%.
✗ 81,918 student disciplinary absences last year, up 5% in one year.
To better serve Queenslanders of all backgrounds, the LNP’s plan will boost services and support.
A seat at the table for small business
With faster payments and more opportunities:
- We will deliver a 5 business day On Time, Every Time Payment Guarantee for small businesses.
- We will make it easier for small businesses to tender for government work with simplified procurement processes, standardised contracts, smaller tenders and streamlined processes.
- We will engage Queensland small and family businesses for opportunities through the Small and Family Business Innovation Pathway.
Better services, easier access
To access government and engage with community:
- We will provide more ways for you to access help from government, in person, over the phone and online.
- We will support training programs for seniors and Queenslanders from multicultural backgrounds to upskill on digital technology.
- We will support social enterprise start-ups with loans of up to $500,000 to help them help Queenslanders.
Boosting our multicultural communities
With better facilities:
- We will fund upgrades for new community halls, meeting spaces or sporting facilities for our multicultural community groups with the $5 million Multicultural Connect grants program.
Closing the gap
To improve outcomes for Indigenous Queenslanders:
- We will boost home ownership options and deliver more clean water infrastructure in Indigenous communities.
- We will fund programs to boost health and education standards for Indigenous Queenslanders.
Labor's record
✗ 11,191 youth criminals in
✗ 55% of all youth crime in Queensland is committed by serious repeat youth offenders.
To grow our agriculture sector and protect our environment, the LNP’s plan will invest in conservation, biosecurity and technology.
Back-in our ag industry
With workers, funding and technology:
- We will boost funding for Beef Week 2027 with $4.5 million.
- We will beef-up biosecurity with 100 additional frontline biosecurity staff in our regions.
- We will reinstate our northern line of biosecurity defence by reviewing the closure of the Cape York Biosecurity Centre.
- We will boost skilled agricultural workers with more training opportunities through our regions.
- We will only support scientifically backed changes to fishing zones and ensure fishers are fairly compensated for any changes.
Preserve our environment
With private land conservation and support for injured wildlife:
- We will boost national parks care with additional pest and weed management, and fuel load reduction.
- We will reduce litter across our natural environment and boost recycling rates.
- We will support farmers to be environmental stewards of their land and boost our private protected land estate.
- We will reduce emissions and reach Net Zero by 2050 by working with industry sectors to develop achievable and practical plans.
- We will boost protection for endangered species with wildlife care.
- We will boost the care of our national parks and preserve our natural environment with 150 additional Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service rangers, Indigenous Land and Sea rangers and a Specialist Fire Management Ranger Team.
Labor's record
✗ Failing to eradicate
fire ants that have now spread across southern Queensland.
✗ Cutting biosecurity funding by 35% this year.
✗ In a decade protected environment areas have increased by less than 1%.
To govern with integrity, the LNP’s plan will end the secrecy and cover-ups, and deliver accountability and transparency.
A stronger public service
To end Labor’s chaos and crisis:
- We will strengthen the public service by establishing an independent Public Sector Commission.
- We will build a home-grown public service with a new corporate graduate program.
- We will rebuild the capacity of the public service by providing professional training and development and ending Labor’s addiction to outsourcing the public service to consultants.
- There will be no forced redundancies in the public service.
Better government
For better services for Queenslanders:
- We will stop Labor’s project cost blowouts and delays by establishing a Parliamentary Budget Office to deliver independent policy and budget analysis.
- We will restore the Crime and Corruption Commission’s powers to report on corruption risks in Queensland.
- We will put an end to Ministers avoiding scrutiny by reforming Budget Estimates.
Labor's record
✗ $423 million
spent on big four consultancies in five years, instead of reinvesting in our service.
✗ Failed to implement key integrity review recommendations.
✗ Spent $300,000 to stop Crime and Corruption Commission reports being publicly released.