Youth Crime
Safety where you live with the
Making our Community Safer Plan
The LNP has the Right Plan to restore safety where you live.
The Making Our Community Safer Plan has been developed after four years of listening to Queenslanders about their experiences in Labor’s Youth Crime Crisis. Families who are scared to sleep at night after intruders invaded their homes, business owners and their staff who have lost their livelihoods when their shops were broken-into, communities who fear youth criminals are running rampant on the streets without consequences.
We have stood shoulder to shoulder with Queenslanders who have lost loved ones to crime. We have wrapped our arms around families unable to pay the bills or get to work after their cars were stolen. We have listened to frustrated small business owners who can’t afford to rebuild after repeatedly being targeted by armed thieves.
Queenslanders should feel safe in their homes, they should be safe where they work, and they should be safe in their neighbourhoods.
Queensland needs a fresh start. Our plan will restore safety where you live, making our community safer for all Queenslanders.
Our policies address every stage of the crime cycle to arrest Labor's Youth Crime Crisis.
Protection for our community underpins our plan. We will prevent crime before it happens, intervene early in young lives and rehabilitate youth criminals. That’s our commitment to Queenslanders.
The LNP's Making our
Community Safer Plan will:
✓ Protect
✓ Prevent
✓ Intervene
✓ Rehabilitate
Time's Up for Labor’s failures:
✗ Total crime is up 27%
✗ Car theft is up 101%
✗ Break-ins are up 44%
✗ Assaults are up 198%
✗ 289,657 crime victims last year
The LNP will restore safety where you live through “Adult Crime, Adult Time”, gold standard early intervention and effective rehabilitation.
David Crisafulli MP
LNP Leader
Russell's Story
Russell Field’s son Matt and his partner Kate were walking their dog when a teenager hit them with a speeding car. The youth criminal who was out on bail killed Matt, Kate, and their unborn child Miles.
Despite being to the Children’s Court seven times and taking three lives out of this world, he will be free again after just six short years.
That’s why Russell is standing with the LNP to fight for Adult Crime, Adult Time. He knows Labor’s weak laws must be changed.
The LNP’s plan includes the Making Queensland Safer Laws to ensure teens who choose to commit adult crimes, receive adult time.
We’ll also put victims at the heart of youth justice and deliver gold standard early intervention and effective rehabilitation.
Because every Queenslander should have safety where they live.

To protect our community, the LNP’s plan will roll-out the Making Queensland Safer Laws, put more police on the beat and increase the rights of crime victims.
Stronger laws
The Making Queensland Safer Laws will be law by the end of this year:
- We will make Adult Crime, Adult Time law so youth offenders committing serious adult crimes will serve the same time as adults.
- We will keep dangerous youth criminals off our streets by abolishing detention as a last resort from law.
- We will strengthen sex offender laws with a public child sex offender register.
- We will keep dangerous youth criminals off our streets by allowing the Courts to consider youth offenders full criminal history when sentencing.
More enforcement
With more police on the beat to keep our streets safe:
- We will respect our police by providing them with the tools they need to keep us safe.
- We will hire more police for frontline crime work.
- We will give our police the laws they need to keep our community safe.
Victim support
Putting victims at the heart of youth justice:
- We will provide more help for victims of crime as they navigate the justice system.
- We will allow victims to attend their cases by properly opening up the Children’s Court.
- We will provide victims of serious crimes with automatic updates about their cases as justice progresses.
- We will boost domestic violence services and double the capacity of DVConnect’s Womensline and Mensline helplines to improve domestic and family violence support across Queensland.
Faster justice
Equipping our courts so victims’ cases are heard sooner:
- We will ensure crime victims’ cases aren’t delayed and are heard sooner by boosting capacity of Queensland justice services.
- We will deliver justice faster for victims of Labor’s DNA Debacle, with the best expert to oversee reform, allowing DNA samples to be retested sooner and cases heard in court earlier.
Labor's record
✗ 1,147 fewer police
than Labor promised at the last election.
✗ Crime is up overall 27% since Labor was elected.
✗ Victims of crime have increased by 193% under Labor.
To prevent crime before it happens and keep young people on the right track, the LNP’s plan will stop wayward kids turning to crime.
Getting them back into education or work, reforming our Child Safety system increasing safety for small businesses and community groups.
Steering kids back on track
Back into school and out of trouble:
- We will reengage kids who have fallen out of schooling and are at risk of falling into crime.
- We will help youth choose employment instead of crime, by teaching employment skills.
- We will keep kids on the right track and prevent them turning to crime by providing mentoring, life skills and community connection.
- We will prevent crime before it happens and steer kids back on track, by delivering four crime early intervention schools across the state.
Fixing our Child Safety system
Stop the broken system creating a youth crime pipeline:
- We will provide 24-hour dual-carer supervision by boosting staff numbers in Residential Care homes.
- We will boost support for vulnerable kids by increasing Child Safety officers by 20%.
- We will deliver a SecureCare facility for young people with mental health needs who are a danger to themselves or others.
- We will provide a higher-level of care for kids with disabilities and complex needs by piloting a professional foster care program.
- We will steer kids out of trouble and into tutoring, sports and music with a $1,500 increase to the yearly allowance for each child in out-of-home care.
Securing communities
With stronger safety to deter crime:
- We will prevent crime and minimise its compounding costs by upgrading security in shopping precincts and community facilities with CCTV, safety lighting or alarm systems.
- We will keep small business owners and their staff out of the crosshairs of crime by putting more police on the beat.
- We will keep vulnerable Queenslanders safe by implementing landmark domestic and family violence reform.
- We will keep kids safe from predators by strengthening and streamlining our Blue Card system and implementing recommendations this government has ignored.
Labor's record
✗ 1,955 kids in Residential
Care, a 105% increase
in 5 years.
✗ 58% of kids under youth justice orders come from the child protection system.
✗ One-third of Child Safety Officers leave within two years because of the broken system.
To intervene and divert children from crime, the LNP’s plan includes a comprehensive suite of world-class early intervention programs.
Gold Standard Early Intervention
With effective community and government led programs to steer young lives away from crime:
- We will put youth back on the right path by responding earlier to criminal behaviour, providing holistic intervention and teaching kids consequences for actions.
- We will put pathways in place to allow courts, schools, child safety and parents to get kids the help they need, when they need it.
- We will divert youth from crime, regardless of where they live and what their background is, with locally led early intervention in every region of the State.
- We will bring the world’s best, research backed youth intervention models to Queensland.
- We will stop the next generation of youth falling into crime by assessing what’s working and only investing in programs that stop crime in its tracks.
- We will drive down crime by keeping at risk teen offenders off our streets, and out of crime with two Youth Justice Schools for kids on youth justice court orders.
Labor's record
✗ 11,191 youth criminals in
✗ 55% of all youth crime in Queensland is committed by serious repeat youth offenders.
To rehabilitate young criminals and stop them cycling between reoffending and detention, the LNP’s plan will rehabilitate offenders while they’re serving their sentence and after they are released.
Putting the focus of detention back on rehabilitation
To prepare kids for the future:
- We will get youth back to school or into work after detention by shifting the focus of detention to discipline and rehabilitation through consequences for action.
- We will ensure youth don’t fall behind and have the education they need for life, by requiring all youth attend a full schedule of education programs while in detention.
Post-detention supervision
So kids don’t fall back into the same cycle of crime:
- We will give every child a 12-month individual rehabilitation program after detention.
- We will upskill young people for employment, with schooling or TAFE, driving lessons, professional mentoring, volunteering, sports and extracurriculars.
- We will help kids stay on track by bridging the gap from detention to community with personalised support.
Labor's record
✗ 55% of all youth crime in Queensland is committed by serious repeat youth offenders.
✗ 91% of youth released from detention return within a year.
✗ 18% of serious youth criminals are not given rehabilitation.